Supply Chain Management (SCM)
The supply chain functionality is used to manage the materials, information, and finances as it moves through the processes from vendors to customers. This includes managing orders, receiving and shipping products and internal logistics such as warehouse activities and transfers between sites.
We provide solutions based on the supply chain functionality in Dynamics NAV & 365 Business Central that we compliment with add-ons and vertical solutions from our partners.
Below are the capabilities of the solutions that we work with (expand them to read more).
Sales and Receivables Capabilities
Set up multiple ship-to addresses to accommodate customers that in addition to a main business address have more than one site to which order can be shipped. These additional locations can then be selected by the order processor when creating a sales order or invoice.
Set up and maintain the customer table. Post sales transactions in journals and manage receivables; register customers and manage receivables using general journals. Together with Multiple Currencies, this module can post sales transactions and manage receivables in multiple currencies for each customer.
Basic Receivables is integrated with Basic General Ledger and Inventory and is required for the configuration of all other Sales and Receivables module. Sales Invoicing is also frequently used with this module.
Set up calendars with working and non-working days. Assign a base calendar to customers, vendors, locations, companies,
shipping agent services, and the service management setup—and make changes to each as necessary. Calendar entries will
be used in date calculations on sales orders, purchase orders, transfer orders, production orders, service orders, and requisition and planning worksheets.
Work with sales prices and sales line discounts connected with specific campaigns. After you have activated the prices/discounts, any customer or contact related to a company currently in a segment associated with a given campaign can access the price/discount associated with that campaign. Prices are valid for the life of the campaign or until you decide to deactivate them. When you create a sales document or service order, the campaign price/discount is included among the pricing reductions available when Microsoft Dynamics NAV chooses the price to retrieve on the line.
Promise accurate order shipment and delivery dates to customers based on an item’s current and future availability.
When items are not available to meet a customer’s requested delivery date, calculate the earliest shipment date as either an available-to-promise date that is based on upcoming uncommitted supply or a capable-to-promise date—a date when items can become available should they be replenished.
Set up, post, and print customer invoices and sales credit memos. This module is fully integrated with General Ledger and Inventory.
Calculate invoice discounts automatically. Set up any number of invoice discount terms, including a certain minimum amount, discount percentage, and/or a service charge. The discount is calculated on the individual item lines and becomes part of the net sum of the invoice. Calculations can be done in both local and foreign currencies.
Manage flexible item price discount structures that differentiate between special agreements with individual customers and customer groups, and are conditioned by such parameters as minimum quantity, unit of measure, currency, item variant and time period. The best unit price, as based on the highest discount, unit price is calculated for the sales line when the order details meet the conditions specified in the sales line discounts table.
Manage flexible item price structures that differentiate between special agreements with individual customers and customer
groups, and are conditioned by such parameters as minimum quantity, unit of measure, currency, item variant and time period.
The best, that is, the lowest, unit price is brought to the sales line when the order details meet the conditions specified in the sales prices table. Make updates and changes to the price agreements as recorded in the sales prices table by using the sales price worksheet.
Manage sales quotes, blanket sales orders, and sales order processes. Setting up an invoice directly differs from setting up a
sales order in which the quantity available is adjusted as soon as an amount is entered on a sales order line. Quantity available is not affected by an invoice until the invoice is posted.
Use the Sales Order Management module to:
- Manage partial shipments.
- Ship and invoice separately.
- Create prepayment invoices for the sales order.
- Use quotes and blanket orders in the sales phase. (Quotes and blanket orders do not affect inventory figures.)
This module enables you to create a sales return order, so you can compensate a customer for wrong or damaged items. Items
can be received against the sales return order. Create a partial return receipt or combine return receipts on one credit memo.
Link sales return orders with replacement sales orders.
Set up multiple shipping agents (for example, UPS, DHL, external carriers, or your own carrier) and relate their services (express, overnight, standard) with shipping time. Associate default shipping agents and their services with individual customers or specify those details on sales orders and transfer orders to improve accuracy of order promising.
Calculate Sales Tax and set up individual tax areas for each customer and vendor. Also enables you to calculate the use tax on the tax. Sales tax can also be calculated from the general journal lines. Please check your local pricelist for availability.
ChargeLogic Payments eliminates the need for external hardware and software by bringing payment processing inside NAV. Through this integration, you get authorization approvals at the time an order is placed. The system automatically captures funds when an order is invoiced. For repeat customers, an assigned default credit card can be automatically authorized when an order is released to the warehouse, meaning that no extra steps are necessary to process credit card orders.
Purchase and Payables Capabilities
Set up multiple addresses to manage orders from vendors that in addition to a main business address have more than one site from which they ship orders. These additional locations can then be selected by the purchasing agent when creating a purchase order or invoice.
Set up and maintain a vendor table, post purchase transactions in journals, and manage payables. Includes the vendor table and enables you to generate vendor ledger entries using general journals. Use this together with the Multiple Currencies module to post purchase transactions and manage payables in multiple currencies for each vendor. This module is always used if your solution requires a vendor table. It is integrated with General Ledger and Inventory and it is required for the configuration of all other Purchase and Payables module. Purchase Invoicing is also frequently used with this module.
Handle order shipments directly from the vendor to the customer without having to physically stock items in your inventory while still keeping track of order costs and profit. The drop shipment process is facilitated through the automatic linking of sales and purchase orders that control the built-in sequence of posting tasks.
Set up, post, and print purchase invoices and purchase credit memos. This module is integrated with General Ledger and
Manage multiple item purchase price discounts that you have negotiated with individual vendors as based on such parameters as minimum quantity, unit of measure, currency, item variant and time period. The best, as based on the highest discount, unit cost is calculated for the purchase line when the order details meet the conditions specified in the purchase line discounts table.
Calculate invoice discounts automatically. The discount can differ from vendor to vendor with different minimum amounts (also indifferent currencies) and different rates, depending on the size of the invoice. The discount is calculated on the individual item lines and becomes part of the net sum of the invoice.
Manage multiple item purchase prices that you have negotiated with individual vendors as based on such parameters as minimum quantity, unit of measure, currency, item variant and time period. The best, that is the lowest, unit cost is brought to the purchase line when the order details meet the conditions specified in the purchase prices table.
Manage purchase quotes, blanket orders, and purchase order processes. Creating a purchase order differs from creating a purchase invoice directly. The quantity available is adjusted as soon as an amount is entered on a purchase order line, but it is not affected by a purchase invoice until the invoice is posted.
Use this module to:
- Manage partial receipts.
- Receive and invoice separately and create prepayment invoices for the purchase order.
- Use quotes and blanket orders in the purchase phase. (Quotes and blanket orders do not affect inventory figures.)
Create a purchase return order in order to compensate your own company for wrong or damaged items. Items can then be picked from the purchase return order. You can set up partial return shipments or combine return shipments in one credit memo and link purchase return orders with replacement purchase orders.
Automate the supply planning process by using the Requisition Worksheet. Generate optimal suggestions for replenishing inventory through purchases and transfers based on the item’s current and future demand and availability, as well as a variety of planning parameters, such as minimum and maximum quantities and reorder quantities. Display a graphical overview of the planning impact and allow the user to change the plan using a drag-and-drop operation, prior to executing the plan.
Alternatively, use Order Planning—a simplified supply planning tool that enables you to plan supply for all types of demand in an order-by-order fashion, with no considerations for optimization.
AFP is built inside Dynamics NAV, and takes a unique approach of incorporating vital forecasting and replenishment functions inside a single system, providing “Total Access to Data”. Improving your inventory position and procurement methodology can free up highly valued cash, and improve your customer service levels at the same time.
Inventory Capabilities
Provide company decision-makers, especially those with overall responsibility for sales, purchases, and product portfolio management, with an efficient and flexible way to get meaningful information out of the system to inform day to day decisions. Built on item entries, this module provides a customizable, analytic view that enables people to add and combine analysis objects—customers, items, and vendors—according to their needs.
You can:
- Present figures in both amounts and quantities and compare by periods as well as against budget. When the figures are put in a formula, they can become an indicator of the company’s performance.
- Drill down to locate the cause of problems.
- View sales dynamics; analyze inventory turnover; evaluate customers’ buying behavior; spot trends; reconsider product offerings, prices, and vendors; and make informed business decisions.
Manage purchase of the same item from several different vendors. Set up alternative vendors for an item, specify typical lead times used by a specific vendor to deliver that item, and associate price and discount agreements for that item with each vendor.
Set up items that you carry in your stock and specify their unit of measures, costing method, inventory posting group, unit cost and price and other properties. Post item transactions, such as sales, purchase, and negative and positive adjustments from item journals. Quantity and cost records of the posted transactions are stored in the inventory ledger that is the basis for inventory valuation and other costing calculations.
Integrated with General Ledger and with the posting processes in Sales and Receivables and Purchase and Payables, this module is required for the configuration of all other Inventory modules.
Organize your warehouse by assigning items to bins, the smallest unit in the warehouse logical structure. Bin assignment is done as according to the item journals or directly on the document lines (does not apply to order lines).
Manage cycle counting, a basic method of verifying inventory record data used to maintain and increase inventory accuracy. Set up cycle counting on the item or SKU level.
Make sales and purchase budgets on the customer, vendor, and item levels, and in both amounts and quantities. Prepare and record a sales budget that can serve as input to decisionmakers in other operational areas, such as purchasing and logistics. Decision-makers gain information about future expected demand that they can use for business discussions with the customers. After budgets are made, track the actual sales performance by means of calculating the variance. The ability to move budgeted figures between the system and Excel provides additional flexibility to the budgeting process.
Manage item charges. Include the value of additional cost components such as freight or insurance into the unit cost or unit price of an item.
Quickly and precisely identify the items a customer is ordering on the basis of item numbers other than your own. Cross-reference information from customers, vendors, and manufacturers, as well as generic numbers, universal product codes (UPCs), and European article numbers (EANs) that can be stored and easily accessed.
Link items with the same or similar characteristics so that if a customer orders an item that is unavailable, you can offer substitute items and avoid losing the sale. Or, provide an extra service to your customer by offering lower-cost alternatives.
Manage and track serial and lot numbers. Assign serial or lot numbers manually or automatically, and receive and ship multiple quantities with serial/lot numbers from a single order line entry.
Specify a list of sellable items, raw materials, subassemblies and/or resources as an Assembly Bill of Materials that comprises a finished item or a kit. Use assembly orders to replenish assembly items, to stock or capture the customer’s special requirements to the kit’s bill of materials directly from the sales quote, blanket, and order line in the assembly-to-order processes.
Track inventory as it is moved from one location to another and account for the value of inventory in transit and at various locations.
Manage inventory in multiple locations that may represent a production plant, distribution centers, warehouses, show rooms, retail outlets and service cars.
Offer items to customers that are not part of your regular inventory but that you can order from the vendor or manufacturer on a one-off basis. Such items are registered as nonstock items but otherwise are treated like any other item.
Enable warehouse workers to create a pick from the released order. Pick is managed from a separate user interface when shipping items in an order-by-order environment.
Enable warehouse workers to create a put away from the released order. Put Away is managed from a separate user interface when receiving items in an order-by-order environment.
Efficiently review and update standard costs with this worksheet. The Standard Cost Worksheet provides a company’s controllers with a reliable and efficient way to maintain accurate and up to date inventory costs. Work with standard cost updates the same way you work with an Excel spreadsheet but within the framework of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Because it provides an overview of the current standard costs, the worksheet is a convenient place to prepare for a cost update without the changes having an immediate effect in the system.
Manage stock-keeping units (SKUs). Identical items with the same item number can be stored in different locations and managed individually at each location. Add cost prices, replenishment, manufacturing information, and so on, based on the location.
Enable warehouse workers to create a put-away from the receipt. Warehouse Receipt is managed from a separate user interface when receiving items in a multi-order environment.
Enable warehouse workers to create a pick from the shipment. Warehouse Shipment is managed from a separate user interface when shipping items in a multi-order environment.
Warehouse Management Capabilities
Capture data automatically. Keep data accurate, even in a hectic environment. ADCS supports some of the workflows in the Warehouse Management Systems module that enables warehouse automation.
Easily set up and maintain your bins by defining both the layout of your warehouse and dimensions of your racks, columns, and shelves; set up and maintain your planning parameters by defining the limitations and characteristics of each bin.
Create pick and put-away orders for internal purposes, without using a source document (such as a purchase order or a sales order). For example, pick items for testing or put away production output.
Manage items on a bin level. Receive and put away items in a bin; pick items from a bin according to a put-away template; and pick items based on the zone and bin ranking. Move items between bins using a report for optimizing the space usage and the picking process, or move items manually. Warehouse instruction documents are created for the pick and put-away process, which can be carried out for sales, purchases, transfers, returns, and production orders. Service orders are not included.
E-Ship, built inside Microsoft® Dynamics™ NAV, enables you to reduce cost while increasing both efficiency and accuracy in shipping. All of your shipping data, whether the products are shipped via package carriers or LTL, is housed natively inside NAV for seamlessly simple access to the information you need. Best of breed shipping, right there inside your NAV business system.
Service Management Capabilities
– Maintain information on contract history, contract renewal, and contract templates.
– Manage warranty details on service items and spare parts.
– Record details on service levels, response times, and discount levels, as well as on the service history of each contract, including used service items and parts and labor hours.
– Measure contract profitability.
– Generate contract quotes.
It is recommended that you also use the Service Order Management and Service Item Management modules.
The system automatically assigns the correct price structure to the service orders that match the service price group criteria. You can also assign fixed prices, minimum prices, or maximum prices to service price groups and view statistics about the profitability of each service price group.
E-Services Capabilities
Send and receive electronic invoices and credit memos as either files or using a document exchange service. Out-of-the-box,
the PEPPOL format and the free Tradeshift document exchange service are supported, but the architecture allows for adding
additional formats or document exchange service software (requires partner customization).
In addition, a number of standards used in electronic document exchange are now supported, including a Global Location
Number (GLN) ID for customers and vendors, Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for items, and international codes on units of measures, currencies, tax codes, tax schemes, and countries. Furthermore, a new Document Sending Profile concept aggregates all tasks around sending documents, be it by email message, print, or file and enables you to set up preferred send behavior defaults for a customer or vendor, or a group of customers/vendors.
Received electronic documents are integrated into the document management features, that is, they are stored in Incoming Documents, along with PDF or scanned paper invoices, from which the user can create Purchase Invoices and Purchase Credit Memos, or General Journal Lines, and add text-to-account rules to automatically default account rules based on the vendor or line data. Errors and warnings in connection with the conversion are available for the incoming document, and links to the document enables navigation from any created document, posted document, or ledger entry in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Using a free Tradeshift account, documents can be sent to and received from other parties on the Tradeshift network, and delivery status as well as activity logging is available inside Microsoft Dynamics NAV for the document exchange service interaction.
Workflow can be added to automatically process any incoming electronic document, for example, from creating the
corresponding draft purchase document in Microsoft Dynamics NAV to posting it and creating payment lines depending on
workflow conditions, such as per vendor and/or amount.
Update currency exchange rates using third-party web services that deliver exchange rates as XML files or streams. Updates can be performed manually or automatically using the job queue functionality. Yahoo and European Central Bank (ECB) currency feeds are supported out of the box, and other currency services can be added mapping the data in the feed into the currency exchange rates setup, a task that can be done in the end user client without developer permissions.
EDI is a given in today’s world. There are so many aspects of implementing EDI required by trading partners. With the Lanham EDI solution, it can be seamlessly simple to meet trading partner specifications inside NAV.
Document Management & Document Capture Capabilities
Scanned incoming paper as well as electronic documents can be stored in Microsoft Dynamics NAV in Incoming Documents. From here, they can be further processed into documents in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Links to the incoming document allow navigation from any created document, posted document, or financial transaction ledger entry in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
From these locations, the linked original document(s) is accessible for viewing. It is also possible to find ledger entries that do not have an attached incoming document, and attach an incoming document entry manually. Paper documents can be scanned and added manually to the incoming documents, or captured using a phone or tablet with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV app or, for example, Office Lens.
OCR integration enables you to extract unstructured PDFs or scanned invoices or credit memos into structured data, allowing further automatic processing similar to electronic documents. Add text-to-account rules to automatically default account rules based on the vendor.
Out-of-the-box, the Lexmark Invoice Capture Service for Microsoft Dynamics NAV is supported, but the architecture allows for use of a different OCR service or external software (requires partner customization). With the Lexmark Invoice Capture Service integration, header and total information can be extracted. Documents can also be forwarded directly to the OCR service using email messages. To use Lexmark Invoice Capture Service for Microsoft Dynamics NAV, an account must be created at Lexmark Invoice Capture Service and a free SKU will be available.
Incoming documents can be sent to and received from OCR manually, as well as automatically using a job queue.
Add workflows to automatically process any incoming electronic document, e.g.,
- Send and receive documents to/from OCR automatically,
- Create draft purchase document in Dynamics NAV
- Post draft document
- Create payment lines for posted documents
Workflow conditions can be defined by the user to control flow based on, e.g., vendor or amount.
Built on Microsoft Dynamics® NAV, the document configurator simplifies the process of modifying Windows Clients printouts.
Document configurator takes the design work from the native report designer and Visual Studio and brings it into a setup environment in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This allows customers and consultants to do modifications without any programming skills; but remains flexible enough for programmers to write special code through code units, if needed.
With formatted documents, users have the ability to enhance and improve the appearance of reports or documents through the use of an integrated word processor directly in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This means that users, for example, in customer services can easily customise sales orders with an individual look and feel while still maintaining the scope of the corporate design. Depending on integration, edits can be made to prefix text, suffix text or item/product text. Additionally, a pre-configuration of the content can be achieved automatically. There are many possibilities of integrating designed content into a report or a document, such as a sales order.
Workflow Capabilities
Model real-life business processes such as best practices or industry-specific standards. For example, ensure a customer’s credit limit has been independently verified or require a twoperson approval for a significant vendor payment. Workflows in Microsoft Dynamics NAV focus on three main building blocks and workflow processes, short or long, are likely to be comprised of steps related to these three blocks, which are:
- Approval—leave a work task, item, or document in a blocked or unapproved state until approved by a suitable person in your organization.
- Notification—tell users that something has happened and/or that they need to take some kind of action.
- Process automation—execute a process routine and have the Microsoft Dynamics NAV system calculate something or perform an action.
Along with approval, notification, and process automation, workflows in events react to real parameters in your business. Workflows can be triggered by credit limits, geographies, totals, individual owners, or any one of hundreds of other potential conditions.
Out of the box, Dynamics NAV 2016 supports sales document and customer approval workflows that enable users to submit sales documents and customer verification, for approval according to a predefined hierarchy of approval managers. The approvals can be done with accounting manager or another similar significant role in your company. In this way, you can have workflows that need approval when sales discounts exceed a limit and need approval by sales managers, or you can have notifications sent to account managers when new customers are created in a particular geography.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 integration with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) services and purchase workflows go hand-in-hand. External invoices can be received, processed, and generate payment lines with workflows. At any stage a user can change the conditions for automatically processing and have documents sent for approval before processing if they exceed limits or some other condition.
- Sales & Purchase Documents
- Sales & Marketing
- Finance
- Integration workflows
- Administration
- Job queue support for process automation
- Email and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Notes for notifications
- Workflow designer

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